Join us on the

V7ARC 2 Meter


Saturday Nights

1930-2100 local

144.220MHz (+/-)

Notice of Election: Elections for the roles of Vice President and Treasurer will be held during the February monthly meeting (Feb 22, '25.) If you have any interest in filling either role, please reach out to KBØKQI and/or ADØTP.

You're invited to join us for our monthly meeting regarding the club and local ham activities, followed by a swap meet in the parking lot!

V7ARC Repeater System

 447.775MHz (-) PL156.7
AllStar Node 58493

V7ARC is a Colorado Springs based amateur radio club whose mission is to provide a welcoming environment for experienced, new, and prospective hams in the El Paso County area and beyond. We place a strong emphasis on education ("elmering") and pride ourselves on being, above all, a family-friendly social club for hams from all walks of life.

V7ARC Email List

 Sign up to our mailing list to keep up to date on important club news and events.

Like us on Facebook for event updates and other ham radio content!

When: The 4th Saturday of each month, 0900 local

Where: IHOP #1820,
8065 North Academy Blvd

Monthly Meetings